Walking through the gardens is easy-going (except for the Rainforest Walk – 150 metres) and distances are not great.

The walkways are signposted for your convenience
As you leave the pavilion, a path to your right will take you to the Piccabeen Palm Grove boardwalk. You will pass our Thai Salah, guarded by two Chinese dog statues.
Lion Dog breeds originating in China and resemble “Chinese guardian lions” and hence are also called Foo or Fu Dogs or Lion Dogs. They are believed to ward off evil spirits. Take time to sit in the Salah and watch the goldfish in the pond below.

Then across the bridge and into the Palm Grove

Once through the Palm Grove you can take the High Road

to the Rose Garden

Or the low road past the Orchid House.

From there, the higher path takes you past the colourful Bromeliad Garden.
Then on to our magnificent Japanese Garden.
And you are still only half way through. Stretch your legs or stroll gently, savour the experience and share our volunteers’ passion for our unique gardens.
“The greatest gift of the garden is the restoration of the five senses” Hanna Rion