Lakeside at the gardens is special at all times of the year, framed with tree ferns, Japanese windflowers and many colours of iris reflecting in the water. The lake is a haven for water birds, fish, frogs and, sometimes, turtles and is crossed by the beautiful old stone bridge which was built many years ago and was already on the site when volunteers began developing the Gardens in 1983.

The Stone Bridge – everyone’s favorite

Cross the bridge to the Wisteria Walk and Orchid house

Purple irises at water’s edge with tree ferns overhanging

White iris

Water lilies flowering

Japanese windflowers and the Blue Bridge
The Blue Bridge was added to cross the creek and is known at Annetta’s Bridge to honour an early member of the volunteer group. It gives the volunteers quick access from the work shed and provides a lovely focus at the end of the lake.

Dragonfly sculpture by local sculptor Rick Howie reflecting in the water