Are you looking to better engage with Tamborine Mountain’s community? Would you like to contribute in a meaningful way to our environment?
Tamborine Mountain Regional Botanic Gardens is one of the most loved spaces on the Mountain. Now is your chance to join a welcoming group of volunteers who continue to maintain and develop one of the most important and attractive spaces on the Mountain. You could be one of us.

We now need help across our entire Gardens. You do not need any special skills. Our volunteers provide basic training and all the tools and equipment you might require. If you can offer skills with a wide range of tasks, from the simple jobs of weeding, planting, propagating,
Gardens volunteers happy in their work.
fertilising and mulching to building and repairing, so much the better.
You may have opportunities to bring specific skills such as electrical, plumbing, construction or even computer skills and administration such as database management. We even need help with writing small articles such as this one.The Botanic Gardens team offers a welcoming and inclusive environment. We even have cake day every month!
The team meets and works from about 8am until noon every Thursday.
Would you like to learn more? Join us on any Thursday during our morning tea break between 9.45 and 10.15am at our work shed just beyond the toilet block in the Gardens. From the car park, simply walk towards the toilet block and you will see our shed open.
For more details, phone our Secretary, Margaret Bell, on 0409 263 666.