Tamborine Mountain Regional Botanic Gardens will re-open to the public on Saturday, September 21.
The Gardens were closed abruptly on December 26, 2023, after the massive storm that severely damaged much of the Mountain. The Gardens were not immune. No buildings were badly damaged but fallen trees and branches caused massive damage to most of the gardens on the site.
Scenic Rim Regional Council acted quickly and appointed contractors to clear the trees and branches that allowed the Gardens volunteers to return and begin a rebuild of the garden beds.
Council also took the opportunity to dredge and clean the two lakes that make the centrepiece of the Gardens. The upper lake in particular had become heavily silted and was a danger to the public. De-silting began in April but was hampered by springs that welled up from the lake bottom and by heavy rains. One rainstorm in August completely re-filled the lakes that had to be emptied once again, causing significant delay.

Botanic Gardens President Greg Ingold said the volunteers have done a magnificent job to rebuild the many garden beds and have already begun projects to further improve the visitors’ experience over the coming months and years.
“We are excited to welcome visitors back to the Gardens,” he said. “We rely on their generosity both during our plant sales and through our donation boxes to provide much-needed extra funds for Gardens improvements.
Botanic Gardens volunteers welcome
news of the re-opening
“With the Gardens re-open we also offer and invitation to visitors and community members to join our volunteer group. We gather for work in the Gardens every Thursday from about 8am until noon. It is a great group who are very supportive to new members. All you needs is enthusiasm and some time. You can learn about gardening ‘on the job’. If you have special skills you can bring to the group, so much the better. These skills might include carpentry, horticultural skills, construction skills or even muscles!”
Greg said new volunteers are welcome simply to arrive at the Gardens work shed on a Thursday morning and ask a volunteer.
“If you time your arrival, there is morning tea available from 9.45 until 10.15am. This is a great time to meet the team.”
Greg said some of the pathways through the Garden may still be blocked as infrastructure repairs continue.
“We hope visitors will bear with us, he said. “Some of the heavy work has been delayed due to the de-silting project. Vehicles were unable to access the gardens during that long project.”